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The Book of Change
Saturday, 30 April 2022
Changed @ 11:24 - Link - comments
Once again I've spent most of the last cycle covering parchment sheets with scribbled notes. I have to hope that I can read the scrawl at some later time!
I've taken a couple of marcs on most turns to tear myself away from that ever-growing stack of ideas written out in a hurried manner to take a stroll around Dundee and Milltown.
After the recent rash of visits to the trainer I owed myself a quieter time for a while. I've not even paid the local taxman as I didn't plan to be abroad in the lands, so during my walks around I have only been able to visit the old mill to see if any of the woodchucks were of suitable strength for me to keep my skills honed.
I hear there is an interesting contest due in a couple of turns' time. Just the thing to get me out of the hall and back among company.